Upper East Side



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Commit yourself to your wellbeing - and get the best rates while you're at it. Memberships can be used for Stretch and/or Face*ssage, so you get the best of both worlds!

Get 50 mins of services/month. Choose between two 25-minute sessions, or one 50!


Our Core Membership if for those looking to bring more Stretch*d consistency into their lives in a cost-effective way. This membership gives you 50 mins of services/month. Choose between two 25-mins, or one 50! Choose between Stretch or Face*ssage as you wish!


Get 100 minutes of sessions/month + unlimited use of Recovery equipment!


Our Flex Membership if for those looking to bring more Stretch*d consistency into their lives with increased dedication to their health. This membership gives you 100 mins of services/month. Choose between 25, 50 and 75-minute sessions as you wish!


Get 200 minutes of sessions/month + unlimited use of Recovery equipment!


Our Transform Membership if for those who are committed to living with less pain and greater flexibility through consistency and dedication to their health. This membership gives you 200 mins of services/month. Choose between 25, 50 and 75-minute sessions as you wish!