Online booking will be unavailable from 6pm ET on Monday, January 20 until 9am ET Tuesday, January 21 while we upgrade our booking system.


We teamed up with FP Movement to show you how to get loose pre-workout

This series targets areas commonly used in home workouts—the glutes, hamstrings, lower back and shoulders.

Gloating Glutes | Gluteals Stretch

  • The glutes are where we draw a lot of our power from and are responsible for a lot of explosive movements. Loosening them up is important for injury prevention and getting the most from your workout.

Swimm*rs | Shoulder Stretch

  • Swimm*rs targets a variety of muscle groups around the shoulder, at the same time as helping to lubricate the joint and prepare it for upper body exercises.

Double Knee Hugg*r | Hamstring & Lower Back

  • A great pre workout stretch (especially in the morning) because it’s a gentle way of lengthening the hamstrings, glutes and lower back all at once. You can even do it without getting out of bed…

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